Just published: “City of Giants”

“City of Giants” is my latest short story featured in the 2023 edition of The Birthday Book. I was invited to send in a piece centred on their theme of “Unmasking” and in that spirit I chose to write about the sacrifices we sometimes make in the name of adulting. For me, that was shedding my childhood delusions about mythical giants and neglecting the biggest titan of my life: my beloved grandma. She left us 11 years ago, but I still think about her every day. This one’s for you, Ma-Eh.

UNMASKING: THE BIRTHDAY BOOK is on sale at bookstores and via their online shop – https://thebirthdaycollective.org/…/the-birthday-book…

Thank you, The Birthday Collective, for this opportunity to contribute to your amazing collection of Singaporean voices.